How to Export a STEP File from SolidWorks

Table of Contents

Exporting your next SolidWorks part as a STEP file can save time and steps during the SendCutSend upload process, so let’s take a look at how to prep your part for STEP success!

Please note, SendCutSend does not accept SLDPRT files. Learn about all accepted file formats for quoting. 

Understanding STEP File Requirements

A smooth upload experience to our instant quoting system means understanding what SendCutSend’s software is looking for. Because our CNC lasers cut only flat sheet metal parts, one at a time, it’s important to upload only STEP files compatible with that, so check out these 3D file guidelines and read on:

  • Single, Solid Sheet Metal Body: Your STEP file should contain only one solid sheet metal body.
    • If you have multiple parts, upload them one at a time, rather than as an assembly.
    • Multiple bodies stitched together “look” different to the software, even if it seems like a single part, so only upload single body parts. 
    • Rather than using the “Boss-Extrude” feature, extrude your sketches using the “Base Flange/Tab” feature in the sheet metal toolbar.

  • No Dimensional Features: While our secondary Services list is ever-expanding to give you all the options, when uploading a STEP file, only simple holes are allowed. Add services like taps and countersinking after upload. You’ll see the services applied in SendCutSend’s 3D previewer!

Fig. 1: Don’t try to upload a STEP file containing dimensional features like countersinks or taps. Instead, add these services after the STEP file is uploaded to the quote tool:

3D part preview with services in the SendCutSend quote tool.

  • Correct Material Thickness: You want to design your part around the thickness of the SendCutSend material you plan to order. Parts thicker than 0.500 inches might not upload successfully.

Fig. 2: Avoid uploading parts thicker than SCS’s max material thickness of 0.500”

SolidWorks Sheet Metal Bending Specifications for STEP Export

Parts that involve bending are where uploading a STEP file can really save time. The key is getting your sheet metal part settings to align with our CNC Bending guidelines and specifications.

Want to import all of SendCutSend’s material specifications for bend radius and K factor? Use our gauge tables! How to Import and Use Sheet Metal Gauge Tables in SolidWorks

Let’s look at a simple Step-By-Step example with a couple bends that you can seamlessly upload to our instant quote system: 

  1.  Sketch on a standard plane

Fig. 3: Use a 2D sketch on a standard plane, rather than a 3D sketch. 

  1. Use the Base Flange feature to extrude

Fig. 4: Use Base Flange rather than Extrude Boss and set the thickness and K Factor to SendCutSend specifications.

  1. Add Edge Flanges

Fig. 5: The Edge Flange feature is a quick visual way to add edge flanges to your part.

  1. Edit K Factor and Bend Radius

Fig. 6: IMPORTANT! Edit the Sheet Metal properties, referencing the Sheet Metal Specifications on the Materials page for the particular SendCutSend material you want. 

Fig. 7-8: Make sure the K factor and bend radius in SolidWorks line up with your chosen material from SendCutSend.

To import all of SendCutSend’s material bending specifications at once, use our gauge tables: How to Import and Use Sheet Metal Gauge Tables in SolidWorks

And that’s it, your sheet metal part should be set up correctly to export via STEP file!

Having trouble? Refer to this article on STEP file upload errors. If your bends aren’t configuring properly, see our tips.

Exporting Your STEP File from SolidWorks and Uploading

  1. Prepare Your SolidWorks Model: Follow the steps above
  2. Export: Go to File > Save As

Fig. 9: Save As a STEP file.

  1. Select STEP Format: Choose “STEP (*.stp, *.step)” as the save as type.
  2. Save the File: Choose a save location and name for your STEP file, then click Save
  3. Upload to the App: Drag and drop your STEP file to the SCS App

Fig. 10: Once a material and thickness is selected, the 3D preview confirms that our STEP file has uploaded with the bent flanges already in the correct orientation–no bend lines or other steps necessary!

By following these steps and sticking to SendCutSend’s guidelines, you can successfully export a STEP file from SolidWorks and streamline your order process.

Have other questions about preparing your design for SendCutSend?

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In Summary:

  • Make sure your part design is set up for success by referencing the SendCutSend sheet metal specifications for your material (bend radius, K factor, etc.)
  • When your part file is ready, click File > Save As > STEP.
  • Upload to the app and use the 3D preview to make sure your bent flanges imported correctly. 
  • DONE!

Preflight Checklist

Before you upload your design files, be sure to go through our pre-flight checklist:

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