What are the thicknesses for your finishes?

Need to know how much additional thickness our finishes will add to the surface of your parts? You’ve come to the right place!

Sulfuric Anodizing

Anodizing finishes

Type II, Class II (red, gold, blue, clear, and black finishes)

  • typically adds ~0.0002”-0.0009” per side
    • Type II anodizing adds ~0.0004”-0.0018” to the overall thickness of your parts

Chloride Rack Zinc Electroplating

Zinc finishes

Black, Yellow, and Clear Zinc finishes

  • typically adds ~0.0003” per side
    • zinc plating adds ~0.0006″ to the overall thickness of your parts

Bright Electrolytic Nickel Plating

Nickel finish

Clear Nickel finish

  • typically adds ~0.0002” per side
    • nickel plating adds ~0.0004″ to the overall thickness of your parts

Powder Coating

Powder coating finishes

Red, yellow, green, black, and white finishes

  • typically adds ~0.002″-0.005” per side
    • powder coating adds ~0.004″-0.01” to the overall thickness of your parts

For more details about our finish thicknesses and specifications, please check out our anodizing, plating, and powder coating guidelines pages!

In Summary

How much thickness is added by your finishing services?

Type II Anodizing adds ~0.0004”-0.0018” to the overall thickness of your parts
Zinc plating adds ~0.0006″ to the overall thickness of your parts
Nickel plating adds ~0.0004″ to the overall thickness of your parts
Powder coating adds ~0.004″-0.01” to the overall thickness of your parts

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