Nesting Guidelines

Nesting is the process of placing multiple designs or parts in one file for manufacturing. While individual files are preferred, we can process most nested vector format files here at SendCutSend as long as they fit within our design parameters. Before you upload a nested file, here are some guidelines to follow to ensure precision and fast production time.

Table of Contents

General Size Requirements

If you’re looking for instant pricing using our online quote tool, keep in mind that even nested files will need to fit within our sizing requirements. The max overall part size for instant quoting will change depending on the material you use. Check your file and chosen material against the Material Max/Min chart to make sure you’ll be able to get instant pricing.

If your file exceeds the size limit for your chosen material, we recommend separating each part into individual files so you can get instant pricing. If your parts are still too large, you can always request a custom quote.

Min Max Part Sizes

Design Guidelines

It’s important to make sure that your individual nested parts exceed the minimum geometry requirements for the material and machining method as well. As with any other design, geometry that’s too small cannot be cut accurately and will yield undesirable results. Check your parts against our design guidelines before uploading to make sure they meet the necessary requirements.

Nesting Unique, Individual Designs

The best way to order multiple quantities of the exact same part is to only include one part per file (no nesting) and simply adjust the quantity in your cart during the checkout process. This simplifies processing once we receive your order and will help us ensure your parts are cut efficiently. You will also receive a quantity discount on multiples of the same part.

If you are ordering several different small parts or designs, you may pre-nest those parts and upload them in one file provided that

  • all parts are needed in the same material and sheet thickness,
  • all geometry meets our sizing requirements for the material,
  • and you’re exporting a 2D file format (.dxf, .dwg, .eps, or .ai). We can’t accept pre-nested .step/.stp format files.


Or, to prevent the added time of fitting each individual part into one file, feel free to upload each part in their own file instead.

Parts With Additional Processes

Please do not pre-nest parts that will require bending, tapping, countersinking, dimple forming, or hardware. Submitting these parts separately ensures that your order will proceed as smoothly as possible through production.

Common-Line Nesting

Common-line nesting is the process of nesting parts inside each other and causing them to “share” a cut path in an attempt to ensure a precision fit or save material. We do not accept or process common-line nested parts because it can lead to imprecise parts since it doesn’t account for laser cutter beam width, tooling size, waterjet stream width, or kerf.

Depending on the material and machining process being used, the gap between the parts will vary from 0.006″ to 0.012″ or more. You will want to design the inner part about .005″ smaller to allow for a slip-fit, and place the inner part in either a separate file or elsewhere in the original file so that none of the lines between the parts are shared. We have more guidance on designing a slip fit for mating parts here.

Parts that contain common-line nesting will also have manufacturing imperfections like pierces and “lead-in” marks that we use to start the cut. Because of these manufacturing issues and imperfections, files with common-line nesting will be returned back to you for revision. This will delay the lead-time of your order.

Parts Within Parts

If you choose to pre-nest unique, individual designs, please do not send files with parts nested inside of each other (parts within parts). Please keep each part separated within your file. This ensures the quickest possible turnaround time for your order. Otherwise we will need to put your order on hold and request a new file.

Part Orientation Considerations

If you save multiple identical parts into the same file, we cannot guarantee which side of the parts will be the top side. This is most relevant if mirrored parts are desired in materials that have distinct top and bottom sides (ABS, brushed ACM, mirrored acrylic, and hardboard).

If mirrored parts with a specific top vs. bottom side are critical to your application, please save each mirrored part into its own file and adjust the quantity as needed before checkout. The orientation shown in each item preview will dictate the top side of the parts.

Pre-flight Checklist

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