If you’re looking for fonts you can download, you’re in the right place! We’ve got some excellent free fonts available for your next text-based design. These stencil and positive style fonts are the same ones used in our free laser cutting templates so you can create parts in CAD that match anything you’ve made with our Parts Builder.
Option 1: Stencil fonts
Download and install our free stencil fonts package if you need lettering cut out of a part.
Our free stencil fonts package comes with a variety of font options including Allerta Stencil, Black Ops One, Emblema One, Keania One, Plaster Regular, Stardose Stencil Regular, and Stardose Stencil Bold.
You can try out these stencil fonts with our Vanity Plate and State Plate templates!
When sizing text in your design, ensure that all bridging meets the minimum bridging requirement for the material thickness you plan to use. Learn how to confirm material design specifications like minimum bridging.
Option 2: Positive fonts
Download and install our free positive fonts package if you need loose letters.
Our free positive lettering fonts package comes with a variety of font options including Anonymous, Cousine Regular, Hack Regular, Noto Mono, Space Mono, Montserrat Thin, and Unbunto Mono.
You can experiment with these positive fonts in our Positive Letter and Positive Sign templates!
When sizing loose letter parts, ensure that the overall letter size meets our minimum part size for cutting in the material thickness you plan to use. You’ll also want to make sure all geometry is at least the minimum bridging thickness for the material. Depending on the material you’ll use, consider thickening letter geometry so it’s robust enough for production, shipping, and handling.
Learn how to confirm material design specifications like minimum part size and bridging.
Download fonts, install, and design!
Our free font downloads are here to help make your text-based design process as smooth as possible. Simply click the links provided above to download the .zip file. Then extract the contents and install the fonts. You should be able to start using them in your CAD software of choice.
Be sure to review our full service guidelines before uploading your file for instant pricing. For more tips on designing with letters, check out our Text Design Tutorials!