Will my deburred parts have sharp edges?

Parts with our linear deburring service will have sharp edges. The surface will be smooth and “cleaned up” from laser cutting, but there will be no edge softening.

Edges will be sharp after linear deburring since there is no rounding or edge breaking in the process.

Take a look at the video below to learn more about our linear deburring process!

Our tumbling services can provide partial edge softening. However ceramic tumbling is only available for smaller parts in qualifying materials and thicknesses. Tumbling typically adds 2-3 business days to order lead times depending on part quantity.

Ceramic tumbled parts will not have sharp edges.

Learn more about our ceramic tumbling services!

In Summary:

Will my deburred parts have sharp edges?

Parts with our linear deburring service will have sharp edges. The surface will be smooth and “cleaned up” from laser cutting, but there will be no edge softening.

Ceramic tumbling can be added before checkout to qualifying parts to provide edge softening, but there will be a service charge. Learn about our tumbling service requirements.

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