Will my acrylic or polycarbonate parts have protective film?

At SendCutSend, acrylic and polycarbonate parts are cut and shipped with the manufacturer’s protective film or paper covering intact. Protective coverings will need to be removed when the parts get to you.

Laser cut acrylic from SendCutSend comes with protective film
Protective film on clear acrylic (may vary)
Mirrored acrylic has film on the top side
Protective covering on polycarbonate

Clear or colored acrylic may be protected with plastic film or paper on both sides of the material. Mirrored acrylic will have a dull grey bottom side and protective film or paper on the top side.

Polycarbonate will have protective film on both sides of the material. One side will be white and the other will be clear.

To learn more about these materials, check out the acrylic (Plexiglass) and polycarbonate (Lexan) material info pages!

In Summary:

Will my acrylic or polycarbonate parts have protective film?

Acrylic and polycarbonate parts are cut and shipped with the manufacturer’s protective covering intact. Protective coverings will need to be removed when the parts get to you.

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