How can I suggest new material or service options?

If you’d like to suggest new material or service options, we’ve made it easy! Suggest materials and service options we don’t yet offer through one of our suggestion forms.

Material suggestion form

Suggest new materials or thicknesses for currently offered materials through our Material Suggestion Form. We’re always on the lookout for materials that can bring more projects to life! Although we can’t guarantee that suggestions will be actioned, we’ll do our best to add popular materials to our Catalog.

We stock a range of sheet materials in our catalog, including sheet metal, composites, plastics, wood, and boards.

Service suggestion form

Suggest new service options through our Service Suggestion Form. You can suggest entirely new services or expansions to existing services. 

For example, you could suggest services or features we don’t offer, such as

  • Engraving
  • Welding
  • 3D machining
  • Polishing
  • New CAD software plugins
Man welding some metal
We don’t offer welding services – suggest it if you wish we did!

You could also suggest additions to current services, such as

Anodizing colors from SendCutSend
Suggest more anodizing color options if desired. Your vote counts!

Suggest away!

Our service suggestion form includes a New service category. We recommend suggesting anything that would make a difference for your projects! Although we can’t guarantee that any suggestion will be actioned, form submissions tell us which new material and service options would be of greatest help to most customers. 

Your suggestions matter as we continue building the fastest, most affordable rapid manufacturing company around! If there’s trouble submitting to one of our forms, reach out to our Support team anytime for assistance.

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