What are common problems to look for in my files?

Before uploading your designs to our website, make sure to check for these common file problems!

File problem checklist

Duplicate paths 

  • Duplicate paths in your 2D vector file (.dxf, .dwg, .eps, or .ai format) will be rejected by our automated system since the laser cannot recognize or cut them.
  • This is especially important in 2D design software, which is another reason why we recommend you design your part using a CAD program like Fusion or SolidWorks and uploading a .step or .stp format file.

3D file considerations

  • If you plan to upload a .step or .stp format file, ensure your design meets our 3D File Guidelines.

Small geometry

Shared geometry

  • We’re unable to accept designs with common-line cutting (as shown in the image below).
  • If you want to design a slip fit for mating parts, then take a look at our guide.
  • If you lay out your parts as shown below on the right, we’ll be able to send you precisely cut parts.

Nested parts

  • Please upload each part as an individual file. Then we will nest your parts to arrange your parts in a way that maximizes efficiency and reduces material waste.
  • Designers are often tempted to “pre-nest” their design, thinking that it will speed up the production process. However, this is more likely to complicate the cutting and impede our process. If you want to cut multiple copies of a single object, don’t crowd your design. Simply upload a drawing with a single part and adjust the quantity in your cart.

Prevent common file problems with our guidance!

Take a look at our service design guidelines, CAD tutorials, and file setup tips to prevent problems. Consider using one of the software programs we recommend before starting a new design. For fast, knowledgeable assistance, reach out to our Support team anytime!

Start your first SendCutSend project today!

Upload your CAD design or use our parts builder and get instant pricing on your custom laser cut parts, all delivered to your door in a matter of days.