Our pre-flight checklist for file setup applies to all our services. Make sure all your part files fit within these guidelines before you send them to us, and we’ll be able to get your parts to you faster and easier. Don’t forget to read up on all our services guidelines as well to make your ordering process even better!
- File is in a format we accept
- 2D vector format files we accept are AI, EPS, DXF, DWG
- 3D format files we accept are STEP and STP
- File is built at a 1:1 scale in either inch units or millimeters
- All holes, cutouts, and bridging/webbing meet the minimum requirement for the material needed
- Please reference our charts to see material minimum and maximum sizes for cutting and processing
- Please check the material info pages to find all critical specifications for your desired material, stock thickness, and applied services
- For parts with bending/forming services, they meet our bending requirements and are set up using our bending specifications for the material thickness needed
- The part meets all design guidelines for any post processing services required
- All objects are on the same layer
- All stray points, duplicate lines, empty objects and text areas have been removed
- No shapes have open contours
- All shapes have been united, combined or merged
- All text has been converted to outlines or paths
- Cut-out text (reversed text) has bridges or has been stencilized
- If you need single line etching or single line no kerf through-cuts, ensure your file is set up according to our guide
For more guidance on preparing successful designs, check out 10 Common Reasons Your File Is Failing SendCutSend Preflight.
After reviewing our file setup checklist and exporting your file, upload it to our website and take a look at the part preview to confirm the overall dimensions are correct!