How can I design a part file on an iPad?

We strongly recommend using a desktop program such as Fusion 360 (3D) or QCAD (2D) to design parts if at all possible. However, if an iPad is the only option available, many Apple users prefer Shapr3D and we have DXF export advice here for that program. 

Please note, Shapr3D requires that you are running iOS 14 or later. iOS 14 is supported on iPad Air 2 and later generations, and all iPad Pro generations.

Be sure to review our design guidelines and file setup checklist while creating your part.

Once your 3D STEP or STP file or 2D vector file is ready, you can upload it to our website and place an order. If you’d like us to review your file, reach out to our support team and we’ll be happy to take a look!

In Summary

How can I design a part file on an iPad?

If an iPad is your only option available, many Apple users prefer Shapr3D. We have DXF export advice available for Shapr3D. You can also try our free online Parts Builder!

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