How to export a STEP or DXF file from Shapr3D?

Learn how to export either a 3D STEP file or flat DXF file from Shapr3D for an instant quote!

Option 1: Export a 3D STEP file from Shapr3D

We accept STEP and STP format files for instant quoting as long as they meet our 3D File Guidelines. Make sure you set your part up using our sheet metal specifications if your part requires bending services; you can find our specifications for bend radius, K factor, and more in our handy specification table!

Once your part design file is ready, export a STEP file from Shapr3D by following these steps:

  1. Access the Export tool through any of the following:
    • From the Mac menu, select File > Export…
    • From the modeling space, select Share > Export tab > Export Project.
  2. Select the Usage or Format tab:
    • Usage – Select 3D Model
    • Format – Select STEP file
  3. Select Next.
  4. If applicable, customize your project details.
  5. In the Save As dialog, enter a file name and choose a location.
  6. Select Save.

For more information, see the Shapr3D help center.

Option 2: Export a flat DXF file from Shapr3D

Export the flat face of the part at 1:1 scaling, with no borders, dimensions, or other information.

Project the body’s edges to the plane parallel with the X/Y plane. After that, the drawing will be able to export correctly in a DXF. You can see more advice from a Shapr forum here.

For general preflight, the free, open source program QCAD is great for checking 2D files. If you end up liking it, we have guidance on reviewing designs in QCAD here: How To Preflight Your Designs Using QCAD

Upload your file!

After exporting, you can upload your file to our website and check the part preview to verify that the overall dimensions are correct. All files need to be at 1:1 scaling in either millimeters or inch units, with no intersecting or duplicate paths. We have more information about our design requirements here: SendCutSend Design Guidelines

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