Why can’t I add a service to my part?

Can’t add a service like bending/forming, countersinking, tapping, hardware insertion, deburring, anodizing, plating, or powder coating to your part after uploading your file to our website and selecting a material? There are a number of reasons why this might be the case!

General Service Considerations

The overall flat part size is too large or too small

Each service we offer has minimum and maximum overall flat part sizes for processing. Take a look at our service size guidelines to confirm these limits by material and stock thickness: Processing Minimum and Maximum Sizes

The service is not available in the material and thickness you have selected

Each post processing service is available in specific material thicknesses. You can confirm if a service is available for a material thickness by navigating to the material info page at our Materials Library, or referencing the Processing Minimum and Maximum Sizes page.

Bending & Forming Considerations

There are no bend location lines

If you’d like to add bending/forming services to a part, the design file will need to have bend lines indicating the desired location for the center of each bend. We have more information in our bending design guidelines. If your design does include bend lines but they aren’t showing up, then check out these troubleshooting tips.

The desired bend angle is too acute for the material thickness selected

The maximum bend angle possible for bendable materials varies based on material thickness. You can confirm the maximum bend angle for a material thickness by navigating to our Materials Library, finding the desired material info page, and scrolling down to the Material Details to find the Design Considerations. All critical design specifications including maximum bend angle are listed there.

Please note, we call out angles from the outside of the bend. Think of it as the number of degrees the flange bends from a flat position.

For bending services to be applied to a part, the bend angle must not exceed the maximum for the material thickness.

Hole Operation Considerations

Holes are over 4.00″ wide

Tapping, countersinking, and hardware installation services cannot be applied to holes over 4.00″ wide. We automatically resize holes to perfectly fit the operation you choose and the maximum for this is 4.00″.

Holes are not circular

Holes must be circular to have hole operations applied to them. Ensure holes in your design are not oblong if you’d like to add tapping, countersinking, or hardware installation to them.

Finishing Considerations

There is not a hole at least 0.063″ wide

Finishing services (anodizing, plating, and powder coating) require a hole at least 0.063″ wide for processing.

There must be a hole at least 0.063" wide to add finishing services to your part.


If these tips do not resolve the issue, try reviewing our Design Guidelines and this guide: Why can’t I get a quote?

Please feel free to contact our Support team for assistance and attach your design file. Let us know what services you’re trying to add and we’ll be happy to help!

In Summary:

Why can’t I add a service to my part?

There are a number of reasons why this might be the case:
General Service Considerations
The overall flat part size is too large or too small
The service is not available in the material and thickness you have selected
Bending/Forming Considerations
There are no bend location lines
The desired bend angle is too acute for the material thickness selected
Hole Operation Considerations
Holes are over 4.00″ wide
Holes are not circular
Finishing Considerations
There is not a hole at least 0.063″ wide

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