SendCutSend offers 7065 T6 aluminum for your custom laser cut parts

7075 T6 Aluminum Sheet Metal

With nearly double the tensile strength and almost double the shear strength of 6061, our 7075 aluminum is laser cut or and is one of the best options available when high-strength and low-weight are important.

Get custom laser cut 7075 aluminum parts from SendCutSend

7075 T6 Aluminum size and thickness options

Min/max sizes for cutting:

Instant quote
A: .25″ x .375″
B: 30″ x 44″

Custom quote
C: 30″ x 56″

Material min and max sizes for laser cutting

Available Thicknesses:

.125″ (3.18mm)
.190″ (4.83mm)
.250″ (3.18mm)

Services available for 7075 T6 Aluminum


This process removes small imperfections, scratches, and burr left over from the cutting process.


Allow hardware to sit flush on your parts to reduce wear and tear.

Hardware Insertion

Select from our catalog of PEM press-fit hardware to add nuts, studs, and standoffs.
Anodizing colors from SendCutSend


We offer Class II anodizing services to add durability and character to your laser cut parts.

Powder Coating

Give your laser cut parts a bold, long-lasting finish and protective layer in one of 7 colors.


Quickly and easily add threading to allow for the addition of hardware to your parts.


Reduce the surface blemishes and handling scratches found in raw materials.

7075 T6 Aluminum sheet metal details and specifications

.125" 7075 T6 Aluminum

Available Services

Material Details & Specifications

.190" 7075 T6 Aluminum

Available Services

Material Details & Specifications

.250" 7075 T6 Aluminum

Available Services

Material Details & Specifications

3.18mm 7075 T6 Aluminum

Available Services

Material Details & Specifications

4.83mm 7075 T6 Aluminum

Available Services

Material Details & Specifications

6.35mm 7075 T6 Aluminum

Available Services

Material Details & Specifications

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7075 T6 Aluminum feature chart


Corrosion Resistance





Heat Treating

Strength-to-Weight Ratio

Laser cut 7075 aluminum is common used in the aerospace industry

What is 7075 T6 Aluminum?

7075 Aluminum is our toughest and strongest aluminum alloy. Like 6061 aluminum, 7075 aluminum was made for use in the aerospace industry, where it’s used extensively. It’s lightweight and durable, so it also lends itself to bike frames, rock climbing equipment, and other high stress environments.

What can you make with 7075 T6 Aluminum parts?

7075 sacrifices some of 5052 aluminum’s workability, formability, and weldability for increased hardness, strength, and overall toughness.
Still carrying the benefits of other aluminum alloys, such as lower weight and high fatigue strength, 7075 aluminum positions itself dominantly as having one of the best strength to weight ratios in any aluminum alloy.

Our laser cut aluminum sheet metal parts are guaranteed

We guarantee awesome quality parts. If you’re not 100% happy, we’ll give you a refund or remake on the spot – no questions, no hassle.

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